Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm sitting here drinking my morning coffee wondering why I'm here so early in the morning. Then I once again realize it's the end of the fiscal year and we're here to spend the last of the funds that the VA hospital has. It's a temporary thing that we experience each August and Septemebr. It does make me question why I continue doing this and then question how many more fiscal year close-outs that I have to go thru before I retire. Oh well, it's a short work week with a long weekend coming up. It will be nice to get out of town this coming weekend.


  1. Good morning!

    Soon it will be the start of my school year. I was thinking how the year seems to run Sept to June in my life instead of January to December. I love my teaching job but I just wish I had a tad bit more vacay time. Oh well....I guess I better get back to earning my keep!
